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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Today Khairi woke me up @ 9.30am telling me that Raiyan is having chickenpox. True enough when I check on his tummy, there are a lot of rashes on it. I send him to the polyclinic together with hb. Raiyan wasnt given the antiviral medication due to his age. Lucky thing that I purposely took claim time today and hb was off. Then late afternoon, hb and I went to the maid agency to select the new maid. Hb and I decided to change to a new maid as we got some issues with my  SIL (hb's younger bro's wife).The day I went to Jamiyah Childcare centre, we went to my PIL's place to talk about our problem with our maid. PIL was fine with the whole thing but my SIL kind of show her "tak berkenan" face. When we went home, I actually talk to hb regarding my SIL's reaction but he said he didnt see anything cos he was talking to my FIL. Hb told me to ignore her but I told him that we better not send the kids there cos I dnt want to cause any trouble. Hb actually said to me that since his parents are ok with the whole thing and we actually asked his parents for help, not his bro or his wife, why should we bother about his bro and his wife but I dnt feel good about it at all. After much discussion, thinking of the pros and cons, we decided to change the current maid. Hopefully I get a better maid this time. Lets pray for the best. InsyaAllah.

love me at 10:33 PM

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wat a bad beginning year 2010 for me... At first it was the troublemaker maid and now Khairi had gotten chickenpox. It really took a toll on me today that I went to work like a zombie due to lack of sleep. Last nite Khairi keep waking me up due to the itchyness that he's having. Poor baby. The only comfort that I could give him is by lightly rubbing on the part that feel itchy. Today I called home to find out about his condition. My maid told me that when she went went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, Khairi start to scratch his chickenpox and it cause the wound to sore. He started to cry and asked my maid for plasters and the best part is that my other little "monster" (Raiyan) start to poke on the sore wound too.  Hehehe..kesian Khairi. Hopefully he can endure the pain till the chickenpox heals. I wonder how will Raiyan's condition be when he got the chickenpox cos now it will be too late for him to take the jab. He will definately get it cos he cant stop kissing his elder bro. Yes, he loves Khairi so much that he will just went over to his elder bro, give him a hug and a peck on Khairi's cheek. Ya Allah, berilah ku kekuatan untuk aku mengharungi dugaan ini.

love me at 5:44 PM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

That nite, hb made a decision that he no longer need a maid in the house. He juz cant tolerate all the troubles that my maid had made since her stay. At first he decided to put both my boys in my MIL's care but I totally protest bcos my MIL has another grandson to look after and I dnt tink she can handle another 2 more boys in the house. It will definately be chaos! If that the case, hb said then we sent the kids to childcare. At least the kids are looked after properly and at the same time receive education rather than stay at home and play toys most of the time. This part I agree with him but who will send and fetch them from school? My hb is on shift duty and myself I got 3 rotating shifts (8am-5pm,830am-530pm & 930am-6.30pm). I told hb that on Monday(11/1/2010) I will discuss with my Sister Irene (my clinic manager) whether I can take permanent 930am-630pm shift so that I got the time to send the kids to childcare. Then we will arrange for the kids to take school transport from school to my IL's place after they hv finished their classes. At least my MIL doesnt feel the pressure of having the kids. The next day (Thursday 7/1/2010),  I look in the internet for the nearest childcare that hv vancancy for K2 and Playgroup range. Mostly are fully booked and are on long waiting list.Even the hospital that I'm working at, I've to wait quite long as the waiting list are as long as 200 students waiting for entry. I called so many centres but was turn down most of the time. Some centres that I called hv vacancy for Playgroup but not K2 slot or vice versa. It's quite frustrating for me as I wanted to put both my boys under the same centre. Then when Hb came back from work, I told him about the childcare situation. He suggested that we called Jamiyah Childcare where Khairi used to be in. I called the centre but the principal, Mdm Faridah wasnt around and was advised to call back the next day.

So on Friday (8/1/2010) morning, I called the Jamiyah Childcare Centre but Mdm Faridah was busy and I asked her whether is it possible for me to come down personally to discuss about my children's situation and she agreed. After sending Khairi to school, both hb & I went to Jamiyah Childcare in Ang Mo Kio. I told her about my whole situations and she was kind enough to take my boys in. Alhamdullillah..syukur.Even though there are some on waiting list, she actually told me that priority was given to the ex-students who wanted to came back to Jamiyah and since my case is considered Urgent, she put me on 1st priority which means that my kids will be able to join Jamiyah Childcare the earliest will be end of Jan. That means I've to wait about 2 weeks or more. I told her I dnt mind waiting but not more than 2 months cos we juz wanna send my troublemaker maid home as soon as possible. She gave me her words that both my kids will be able to join latest in Feb and she wants me to pay all the deposits by end of Jan. I was really gratefully for her help that I broke down when she assured me abt my kids' situations. So I called my maid agency that I need to retain my maid for now till my kids are settled and she was fine with it.

When I told my maid about the whole situation today, she was fine with it but when I told her that this month she will not get her off day and we will pay for it, she protest. She demanded that she wanted to go on her off day on 17th cos she said she need to see her fren who lends her the SIM card cos that fren of hers borrowed $100 from her. Firmly I told her off and said No. If her fren wants to return her her money and wanted her SIM card back, she can jolly well find my maid at the maid agency on her last day for all I care I told her. I told my maid from 2morrow onwards, she have to call me before she go and sent/fetch Khairi to/from school and call me again after reaching home sending/fetching Khairi to/from school. I ever instructed her to do that before but she only do it for only 1 month after that terus senyap tak buat lagi. I told her this time I'm really serious abt it and me or hb will give a call home every hour to make sure that the household phone works cos if not, she will not be able go home this month which she requested from the agent.

For now, I'm trying to coax Raiyan to sleep with me cos most of the time he slept with my maid as my queen bed cant fit 4 pple sleeping on it. Now hb have to make sacrifice of having to sleep on the mattress till everything backs to normal again. I tink after the maid hv left, I hv to train the kids to sleep on their own especially Khairi who is afraid to be left alone in a dark room. Dear frens, I hope that you pray that everything will go smoothly for me.I think for now, me and hb are having phobia of hiring a maid.I've to settled of not having a maid for now but when Khairi goes to Primary 1 next year, both Hb & I really need to think thoroughly whether we need a maid to help us out. Ya Allah...hanya padaMU ku meminta pertolongan. Aku harap Kau permudahkanlah perjalanan hamba mu ini Ya Allah.Amin

Looks can be deceiving. This is my maid Ernis with my kids

love me at 8:01 PM

I tot having a maid will lessen my burden but actually she doubled up the problems in the household.Being a 1st time employer to domestic helper, hb & I kind of "kasi muka" to my maid. It's not as though both of us neva reprimanded our maid but we juz dnt want to be too harsh to her but now, we regretted of not being hard on her. We have been linient with our maid but lama2 pijak kepala pulak akhirnya. We allow our maid to use her hp cos we dnt want her to use our household phone to call Indo and also convenient for me or hb to call her if there's any problem if she's out sending Khairi to school or when she's on her off day. But the pass few months, it's kind of hard for me or hb to call home cos the phone line at home is always engaged, being reason that she gave is that Raiyan; my 20mth old son likes to play with the phone. The phone was left engaged till hb came back from work.We ever told her that before or after she send Khairi to school, she have to make sure the home phone is properly place on the receiver.But last Wednesday(6/1/2010) it happens again. Hb called me @ work telling me that the home phone is engaged,yet again, and by letting go his frustration  I'm the one who get the scolding from hb.He told me to call my maid's hp and I told him that her hp doesnt hv any credit. So when hb reached home dat day, he asked Ernis;my maid, why the phone was engaged and that was when she checked the phone and said maybe Raiyan played with the phone.

So that night hb and Khairi waited for me @ Punggol Plaza cos he wanted to buy kite for Khairi @ the bookshop.When we reached my front door, we decided to open the door with the housekey in stead of pressing the bell. I heard that Raiyan was crying in my maid's room and when I opened the door, Ernis was actually talking on her hp, leaving Raiyan crying his lungs out.At the instance I requested that she handed her hp to me.Guess wat she did?She told me to wait while she need to do something to her phone and while she was doing that, her whole body was trembling like someone did something wrong.I told her to hand her hp to me and she told me off that she got the rights on her hp. At that point, my patience had gone to the top and I raised my voice like an army commander, ignoring wat will the neighbours will be thinking abt me. When she pass to me her hp, it was actually locked by her pin code and when I asked her to write her pin code, she refuses and i demand she lock in into her pin code. When I checked thru her hp mgses, she actually deleted everything but I'm not stupid. I checked her call memory and find out she actually talked on the phone almost everyday, not considering night or day., especially when there's nobody at home except for the kids.

With my raised voice, I asked her "kata kamu takde credit, ni skarang kenapa ada credit?Pembohong besar eh kamu!" With her selamba face she answered," ini bukan sim kad saya.ini kawan saya punya" True enough. When I called my number using her hp, the number is different. I demand to talk to her fren but she refuses to say it. After confiscating her hp, Khairi actually went into my maid's room to take his toys and that is when he came running out from the room telling me that my maid started to pack her things. She told my hb that she wanted us to send her back to the agency but we ignore with her plea and called the maid agency. The other time she gave me problem by joining some sort of extra income venture like MWAY, Tupperware but this one is recommended by her female cousin who is very close to her. I got the habit of checking her wardrobe on her off days ever since I read abt maid doing black magic in the newspaper.That is when I found out abt those extra income venture she joined. Hv reprimanded her abt that and she said her cousin actually "forced" her to join that venture and she hv to pay $380 by installment. I told her that it's against the law and I can report her and her cousin to the authority. Hearing that she apologised and promised not to do it again. A few mths later, I received a sms when I was assisting my doctor frm someone that I dnt regconised or listed in my hp contact telling me this " maaf saodari punye pembantu ada off day ya..maaf saye bukan mau fitnah atao kepo melayu cakap saye cuma mau bagi tau saodari betul ke pembantu saodari klo keluar pakae selendang?tapi saye sering nampak saodari punya pembantu keluar dari hotel bersame jantan india klo tak salah jantan itu pula sering antar sampae ke sini kadang masih lanjut kat tangga mungkin di saat saodari belum balek atao tak ade rumah klo hari cuti pula jantan itu sering datang sini apa saodari tak prasan maaf soadari saya cuma mau beri tau soadari saje berhati-hati dengan pembantu soadari itu atau mungkin klo soadari mau membuktikan saodari hari minggu bilang dengan pembantu saodari klo soadari mau keluar baleknya lambat saodari tengok kat rumah atao kat tangge saye juga sering jumpa pembantu saodari selain jumpa jantan itu juga ada jantan lain itu juga lain2 orangnya" Reading tis made me worried abt my children's safety. After work, I quickily went home and confronted her. She said this might be her cousin's tactic to revenge on her when she refused to join the venture. I threathened her that I will make a police report cos my hp number is a private number and such msges is considered violating my privacy but eventually I neva did a police report. Now she already started to be rude to me. I called the maid agency and requested to change to a new maid as soon as possible. I even took 2 days of urgent leave cos I was afraid of my kids' safety. That Wednesday nite,Kak Lis;the agent told me the earliest that I could get a new maid is late next week. I told her to process that as soon as possible and I will come down on Friday (8/1/2010) to sign the paperwork. Then Kak Lis requested to talk to my maid and guess wat, my maid make up stories abt me scolding her for no reason. Being a maid agent, Kak Lis knows who is talking the truth and who is not. She explained to me what she hv told my maid telling her to wait till the new maid comes but for now it's her responsibility to serve me as her employer. After putting the phone with Kak Lis, my maid requested to use her hp to inform her fren whose SIM card she is using. I allowed her but telling her she can use for awhile. When she talked to her fren, they talked in their native dialect. I told her to talk in malay but she ignore my instructions and when she talked more than 5mins, I told Khairi to asked her to hand the hp to me but instead she scolded Khairi telling him that she's using the phone.Upon that reaction from her, I stand infront of her and raised my voice calling her name and she still ignored my instructions, giving me the face that wanted to kena smack one day. Hb who  juz went to bed after the commotion earlier, came out from the room and shout at her at her ears for ignoring my instructions.That is when she startled and drop the phone on the floor which Khairi passed back to me.Being a patience person and employer, that is the 1st time I actually seen and heard hb actually raised or scolded Ernis. All this time, I'm the one who do the "dirty work" of reprimanding my maid. I guess hb had enough of my maid's nonsense. Words that came out from hb's mouth that nite was indescribdable.

love me at 3:49 PM

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Hari ni genap 1 tahun my bro, Daud bin Sulaiman whom I called Ngah telah meninggalkan kami semua. Hanya doa Al-Fatehah yg dpt ku sedekahkan kepadanya. Semoga rohnya ditempatkan di sisi org2 yg beriman Amin

love me at 10:28 PM

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

This year Hari Raya Aidiladha is very meaningful to my family especially me.Been waiting for a miracle to happen during the crucial time but in vain. We lost our precious baby on Wednesday 25/11/09.Been pregnant for 9 weeks. Took the precaution like I always do when I was in my 1st trimester but it happend again for the 3rd time. Was really tired during that week cos I had to assist my doctor and he finished late. When I was getting ready for work,while I was brushing my teeth, I vomitted and i kind of force out the balance of my vomit.Little did I know that I actually bleed abit. Not trying to be panic, I cleansed myself and get ready to work as I was already late. In the MRT, i dnt feel good and my tummy kind of having mild cramp. I juz pray to Allah that no harm will happen to my baby.

When i reached my workplace, I prepared the room for my clinic session. I bear the mild cramps till lunch time. When i check my panties during lunch time, the spotting still there. I told my staff nurse that I need to get to KKH A & E as soon as possible.On the way to KKH, I could only pray that Allah protect my baby.Called hubby telling him about my condition. While waiting for my turn to see the doctor, my heart juz keep beating fast.When I was in the consultation room,told the doctor on duty what happen and she told me to lie down on the bed so that she can do the scan.When the doctor was doing the scan, i could sensed something is not good cos the doctor keep putting on the gel on my tummy to get a better view.She asked whether the previous scanning I did,did I saw the baby's heartbeat and I told her yes.

Then she showed the screen to me. My baby's heartbeat was fainting and when the doctor tried to maximised the pic, we couldnt see the heartbeat anymore.My tears juz keep falling when the doctor said that she can no longer see the baby's heartbeat.I felt so lonely and loss at that time, without any love ones to comfort or hug me.Hoping for miracle, the doctor wanted me to still continue with my hormone medicine and go for thorough scan the next day but if the scan stated there is no heartbeat, I got no choice but to go for "washing". She gave me a choice whether to be admitted or go home to have a rest but i chose to go home to be with my boys.Once I was outside the consultation room, called my mom. Tried calling my hubby but he was busy at work. Took a cab home and cried myself to sleep that nite.

On Thursday 26/11/09, I went for my scan. I was already prepared for the worst and true enough, I lost the baby. The doctor wanted me to be admitted right away but I told him I want to do the procedure on Saturday  as I got family matters to attend to. At 1st he was reluctant but eventually he allowed me to come on saturday since I insisted. He advised me if the bleeding got intense, I have to go to A & E immediately.The reason I delayed the procedure was that on that thursday, hubby and I made aqiqah for Raiyan, then on Hari Raya Haji, my mom make kenduri arwah my bro for his 1 year death anniversary. I dont want to miss both occassions. Fortunately, there is no bleeding during those 2 days.

However on the morning of Hari Raya Haji, I told hubby that after the kenduri, I will do the procedure. My in-laws didnt know about my condition and we dnt intend to tell them either. We juz act per normal on that day. Then we head to my mom's place at 3pm. When I reached my mom's place, my mom gave me air zamzam to drink. I had my last meal at 4 plus juz before the kenduri starts at 5pm. My auncles & aunties keep asking me why am I not eating, I juz kept quiet and went into the room. Not long after 1 of my aunt went into the room to talk to me.She told me to redhakan dgn apa saje kehendakNYA.Allah maha mengetahui. Hari Raya Korban tahun ini lebih bermakna buat I suami isteri.

What my aunt said is true. I should be blessed with wat I have; my hubby and my 2 boys. Now I'm blessed of having 3 babies waiting for me at Jannah. Amin. ALFATEHAH

the name tag

I super hate this thing cos it hurts like hell

Khairi finishing up my chicken soup

mama, can I have somemore?

love me at 5:19 PM

Sunday, September 06, 2009

My eldest bro & family with my mom

Tomorrow my eldest bro, Ishak will be goin for his umrah and he will be back on the 2nd day of Eid. This year the Ramadhan and Eid will be solemn for my family especially with the passing of my 2nd elder bro,Daud. I didnt do any preparations for Hari Raya except buying new clothes for my boys. I juz dnt feel like celebrating Hari Raya this year. Asal nak buat kuih jer, hati ni slalu rasa sedih cos my 2nd bro yg slalu sibuk suruh buat kiuh tart for him to taste cos he said my kuih tart every year taste different . Yesterday we had iftar at my mom's place. My eldest bro pesan to look after mak when he's not around and slalu2 call my SIL. Part tu i tak bole tahan den airmata ni mengalir..nasib baik dah buka puasa.Anyway..hope my eldest bro will have a safe journey there and selamat menunaikan ibadah umrah.Tomorrow have to pick my mom up den have to be at the airport @ 5pm. Sebaknya hati ini...

love me at 3:22 PM

Sunday, June 07, 2009


Ya Allah,sesungguhnya aku sangat merindui insan yg ku panggil "Ngah". 6 bulan telah berlalu tetapi airmata ku tetap mengalir merinduinya. Hidup rasa kekosongan tanpa dirinya disisi. Ketabahan yg ku tunjukkan di depan ibu ku hanyalah wayang semata-mata, hanya Kau saja yg tahu berapa sunyinya rumah ibu ku tanpa dirinya. Aku sangat merindui hilai tawanya,pelukan dan juga belaian kasih sayang darinya. Kelibatnya masih terasa di mana jua. Ngah....ayg rindu sesangat ngan Ngah. Alfatehah

love me at 6:47 PM



The August Family

Me: 20 August 1978
Hubby (Suhaimi): 5 August 1972
Son (Muhd Khairi Danial): 30 August 2004

Anniversary: 14 September 2003
Her family call her "Ayang" and her frenz call her "Mas" The youngest and the only gal of 4 siblings. Married to her ex-colleague; Suhaimi and had a son; Muhd Khairi Danial. Loves her family very much especially the 2 irritating men in her life.


anything to do with chocolate.
my family.




(1)having a baby (2)find a better job


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